
Teaching of HEL at The University of Manchester: Methods, materials and lessons to learn?

Ayumi Miura (PhD graduate, The University of Manchester)

  This paper gives a report of how the history of the English language (HEL) is taught at The University of Manchester (UK), where I have studied for the last three years (2008-11). Among several modules which deal with historical English, I will focus on the first-year course ‘Introduction to the History of the English Language’, for which I have been employed as Teaching Assistant (Lecturer: Dr Nuria Yáñez-Bouza).
  Academic staff members at The University of Manchester are expected to ‘take an active interest in teaching, find ways of encouraging student learning and be prepared to adopt different methodologies for teaching and assessment to suit different student groups’. I will discuss how the above module meets these criteria successfully in lectures, seminars and coursework. Particular attention will be paid to teaching methods and materials as well as their improvement over the years. If circumstances allow, I will run a demonstration of Blackboard, the virtual learning environment used in this and other modules at this university. I will also assess how much of what is done in this module could(not) be applied to the teaching of HEL at Japanese universities.

初期中英語の形容詞屈折語尾の水平化――LAEME による概観――


 しかし、LAEME (A Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English) text database が公表された今、中英語の形態論を取り巻く研究環境は変わりつつある。LAEME では上記の関与するパラメータのすべてが情報付与されているわけではないものの、屈折の水平化を論じる上で最も重要な時代について、異なる方言、異なるテキストを横断的に調査できるようになったことの利点は疑い得ない。初期中英語における形容詞屈折語尾の振る舞いに対して、LAEME を用いて量的な観点から迫ることで、水平化の通時的過程、特に各パラメータの関与が解消されて行く経緯を明らかにしたい。関連して、名詞における屈折の水平化の問題にも触れる予定である。
